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Birth Star Fire Lab (Homa For Birth Star Blessings)

Birth Star Fire Lab (Homa For Birth Star Blessings)

Your Birth star is the constellation the Moon was in, at the time of your birth, and is an important key in Vedic Astrology, as it gives a very unique profile of how your mind works. Your Birth star will be a key indicator of how your good and bad days will be, how planetary influences unfold in your life.
US $ 154.00
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Birth Star Fire Lab (Homa For Birth Star Blessings)

Your Birth star is the constellation the Moon was in, at the time of your birth, and is an important key in Vedic Astrology, as it gives a very unique profile of how your mind works. Your Birth star will be a key indicator of how your good and bad days will be, how planetary influences unfold in your life. 

The Birth Star homa is done to your Birth Star (Nakshatra). It is considered as a special Birthday ritual in India. The day your birth star rules, is considered the day of power and divine blessings for you! The Birth Star homa will invoke these blessings for your success, to negotiate the world, both on a spiritual and a material level.

The Birth Star Homa helps:
People who want to accomplish their tasks and fulfill their dreams
To negate negative influences caused by the Star over the native
For a successful and prosperous life

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